These are the steps to retrieve doctor and clinic information using the Doctor and Clinic API.


Get Clinic and Doctor Details for a Business

This step is used to retrieve a comprehensive list of clinics and their associated doctors for an entire business.

Endpoint: GET {{HOST}}/v1/business/entities

Description: Fetch information about all clinics and doctors associated with the authenticated business, providing a complete overview of the business structure.


Get Doctor Details

This step is used to retrieve detailed information about a specific doctor. The doctor_id can be retrieved from above step if not already known.

Endpoint: GET {{HOST}}/v1/business/doctor/{doctor_id}

Description: Obtain comprehensive details about a doctor’s profile, including their professional background, specialties, and contact information.


Fetch Associated Clinic Details [WIP]

This step will allow retrieval of information about clinics associated with a specific doctor.

Endpoint: To be announced

Description: Once implemented, this endpoint will provide details about clinic locations, contact information, and available services for clinics associated with a particular doctor.


The Doctor and Clinic API is designed to provide comprehensive information about doctors, their associated clinics, and the overall business structure. This API allows for retrieving detailed doctor profiles and fetching information about clinics and doctors associated with a business. It facilitates efficient healthcare provider information management and ensures that all necessary details are up-to-date and easily accessible.

Main Actors

  • Doctor: The healthcare provider whose information is being retrieved. This includes their professional background, specialties, contact information, and associated clinics.
  • Clinic: The healthcare facility associated with one or more doctors. This includes location details, contact information, and available services.
  • Business: The overarching entity that manages multiple clinics and doctors.

Usage Notes

  • Use the appropriate endpoint based on whether you need information about a specific doctor or an overview of the entire business.
  • When fetching doctor details, ensure you have the correct doctor_id.
  • The business entities endpoint provides a comprehensive view, useful for getting an overview of all clinics and doctors in a single call.
  • Handle the retrieved information with care, especially sensitive details about healthcare providers.
  • Keep in mind that the associated clinic details feature is still a work in progress and will be available in future updates.

Example Workflow

  1. Use the “Get Doctor Details” endpoint to retrieve information about a specific doctor.
  2. If you need an overview of all clinics and doctors in a business, use the “Get Clinic and Doctor Details for a Business” endpoint.
  3. In the future, you’ll be able to fetch specific clinic details associated with a doctor (feature in progress).

This API is particularly useful for healthcare platforms, patient management systems, and appointment booking systems, allowing them to display comprehensive information about doctors and their associated clinics.