Doctor and clinic API
Get Clinic and Doctor details
The Get Clinic and Doctor Details API provides a comprehensive list of clinics and doctors associated with those clinics for a business. This API is designed to retrieve detailed information about clinics, the doctors working at each clinic, and the overarching business entity.
URL: {{HOST}}/dr/v1/business/entities
Method: GET
Request Parameters
This endpoint does not require any parameters. The auth header contains business-id information which will be used to fetch the details.
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | integer | HTTP status code of the response |
data | object | Response data object |
data.clinics | array | List of clinic objects |
data.clinics[].clinic_id | string | Unique identifier of the clinic |
data.clinics[].name | string | Name of the clinic |
data.clinics[].doctors | array | List of doctor IDs associated with the clinic |
data.doctors | array | List of doctor objects |
data.doctors[].name | string | Name of the doctor |
data.doctors[].doctor_id | string | Unique identifier of the doctor | | object | Details of the business entity | | string | Unique identifier of the business | | string | Name of the business |
The auth token of the business. It is used to authenticate the client. This should be fetched from auth api.
200 - application/json
The response is of type string