
The Eka API Authentication process ensures secure access to sensitive healthcare data through a robust authentication process. To interact with the APIs, third-party developers must obtain an access token, use it in all API requests, and handle token expiration efficiently. This guide outlines the essential steps to securely integrate with Eka’s API.

Key Components

  • Client Application: A third-party application that communicates with Eka’s API.
  • Eka API Gateway: The server-side component that authenticates and processes API requests.

Obtain an Access Token

Authenticate your client using the login API. This will return both an access token and a refresh token, which you will use for subsequent API requests.


Using the Access Token

Include the access token in the auth header of every API request to authenticate and access Eka’s services


Handle Token Expiration

To ensure continuous access to the API, implement logic to manage token expiration and renewal.

  • If an API request returns a 401 Unauthorized status code, it indicates that the access token has expired.
  • Use the refresh token API to obtain a new access token and re-authenticate.

Best Practices

  • Safeguard your client credentials (client_id and client_secret) at all times.
  • Implement a reliable token renewal mechanism to handle token expiration.
  • Always include the access token in the auth header for all API calls.
  • Manage 401 Unauthorized errors gracefully by automatically refreshing the token.
  • Ensure that your application complies with all privacy regulations when handling healthcare data.