This collection provides resources for integrating our API, enabling access to valuable healthcare management features and data.


Before you start using this collection, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Create your Eka developer account by following the steps presented in the Eka workspace page.
  2. Obtain your client_id, client_secret, api_key (optional) for your business.
  3. Gain access to resources like Appointment, Prescription, Doctor, etc., for your business.

Getting Started

Once you have your developer account and credentials, you’re ready to begin integrating with the Eka API. Here are some key resources to get you started:

  1. API Authentication Guide: Learn how to authenticate your requests and manage access tokens.
  2. API Endpoints: Explore the available endpoints and their functionalities.
  3. Sample Integrations: View example integrations and code snippets.


Proper authentication is crucial for securely accessing the Eka API. Please refer to our detailed API Authentication Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to:

  • Obtain an access token
  • Use the access token in your API requests
  • Handle token expiration and renewal

Next Steps

After setting up your account and understanding the authentication process, you’re ready to start exploring and integrating with the Eka API. Check out our API Documentation for detailed information on available endpoints, request/response formats, and best practices.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Developer Support Team.

Happy coding!