Introduction to Eka’s Primary Actors

Eka’s system revolves around several key actors that form the foundation of its healthcare platform. These primary actors interact within the Eka ecosystem to facilitate medical services and patient care. Each actor has a specific structure with defined fields that capture essential information.


A Patient is an individual who receives medical care and services. Patient profiles contain personal information, medical history, and other relevant data.

Key Fields:

  • patient_id (string): Unique identifier for the patient, created upon registration
  • first_name (string): Patient’s first name
  • last_name (string): Patient’s last name
  • dob (date): Patient’s date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • mobile (string): Patient’s mobile phone number
  • gender (string): Patient’s gender (e.g., M, F)
  • address (object): Patient’s address details (optional)
  • metadata (object): Additional patient information like UHID, Blood Group, medical history (optional)


A Doctor is a medical professional registered on the Eka platform. Doctor profiles include personal details, professional credentials, clinic associations, and availability for appointments.

Key Fields:

  • id (string): Unique identifier for the doctor
  • profile (object): Contains personal and professional information
    • personal (object): Doctor’s personal details (name, DOB, gender)
    • professional (object): Doctor’s professional information (specialties, degrees, clinics)


A Clinic is a healthcare facility where doctors provide medical services. Clinic profiles include name, address, contact information, specialties, and operating hours.

Key Fields:

  • id (string): Unique identifier for the clinic
  • name (string): Name of the clinic
  • address (object): Clinic’s address details
  • contacts (array): Contact information for the clinic


An Appointment is a scheduled meeting between a patient and a doctor. Appointment details include identifiers, participant information, location, timing, and status.

Key Fields:

  • aid (string): Unique identifier for the appointment
  • doctor_oid (string): Unique identifier for the doctor
  • patient_oid (string): Unique identifier for the patient
  • clinic_id (string): Unique identifier for the clinic
  • status (string): Status of the appointment (e.g., CM - Completed, BK - Booked)
  • start_time (datetime): Start time of the appointment
  • end_time (datetime): End time of the appointment
  • payment (object): Payment details for the appointment


A Prescription is a medical document provided by a doctor to a patient, including prescribed medications, dosage instructions, and other treatment recommendations.

Key Fields:

  • rx_id (string): Unique identifier for the prescription
  • visit_id (string): Unique identifier for the associated visit
  • doctor (object): Details of the prescribing doctor
  • patient (object): Details of the patient
  • rx_entities (object): Contains symptoms, diagnosis, medications, and lab tests
    • symptoms (array): List of reported symptoms
    • diagnosis (array): List of diagnoses made
    • medications (array): List of prescribed medications
    • labTests (array): List of prescribed lab tests


A Business is an entity that operates clinics and employs doctors. Business profiles include information about the business, its clinics, and administrative details.

Key Fields:

  • id (string): Unique identifier for the business
  • name (string): Name of the business
  • clinics (array): List of clinics operated by the business
  • doctors (array): List of doctors employed by the business

Note: Understanding these primary actors and their structure is crucial for effectively interacting with the Eka platform and utilizing its API. Each actor plays a specific role in the healthcare process and contains essential data that drives the functionality of the Eka ecosystem. The fields listed for each actor represent the key pieces of information stored and managed within the Eka system.