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Doctor Tool
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ABDM Connect
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Release Notes
- ABDM Connect
Step 2. Start Assessment
This API is used to start and get the first question of the assessment.
curl --request PUT \
--url{assessment_id} \
--header 'auth: <api-key>' \
--header 'client-id: <client-id>'
"questions": [
"qid": 0,
"component_code": "I-ATSG",
"question_text": "Add all symptoms",
"tip": "Type here to search for symptoms.",
"component_data": {
"url": {
"base_url": "",
"query_params": {
"gender": "m",
"age": "23",
"src": "sn"
"search_query_param": "q"
"autosuggest_static_choices": {
"sections": [
"section_title": "Most Searched",
"choices": [
"id": "47258974-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Fever"
"id": "473f9e54-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Constipation"
"id": "471e8e62-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Cough"
"id": "476efd70-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Acidity"
"id": "4736971e-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Diarrhoea"
"id": "4737ee0c-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Vomiting"
"id": "4720607a-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Headache",
"is_selected": true
"id": "47172c6c-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Stomach ache"
"is_mandatory": true
"progress": "0.00",
"is_last_question": false
"questions": [
"qid": 0,
"component_code": "I-ATSG",
"question_text": "Add all symptoms",
"tip": "Type here to search for symptoms.",
"component_data": {
"url": {
"base_url": "",
"query_params": {
"gender": "m",
"age": "23",
"src": "sn"
"search_query_param": "q"
"autosuggest_static_choices": {
"sections": [
"section_title": "Most Searched",
"choices": [
"id": "47258974-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Fever"
"id": "473f9e54-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Constipation"
"id": "471e8e62-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Cough"
"id": "476efd70-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Acidity"
"id": "4736971e-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Diarrhoea"
"id": "4737ee0c-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Vomiting"
"id": "4720607a-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Headache",
"is_selected": true
"id": "47172c6c-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Stomach ache"
"is_mandatory": true
"progress": "0.00",
"is_last_question": false
The API uses the assessmentid
generated from the init assessment API to start the assessment.
Response Formats
The reponse of the API will depend on the type of the component that is being used to ask the question. Refer to the Assessment Response Format documentation for different question component response format.
API Details
The authentication token of the developer (generated using Authorization API).
Any unique string to identify the logged in developer.
Locale is used to determine the language of the assessment. Supported locales are en
, hi
, kn
for english, hindi and kannada respectively with default being en
, hi
, kn
Path Parameters
The hash that uniquely identifies the assessment session.
This is the question id. It is used to identify the question. its an integer, during start it will always be 0
Valid only for autosuggest component. This content should be used to get autosuggest choices for users. After combining all the requests, You can get a url like:
Base URL for autosuggest API
This is valid only for autosuggest component. It contains the section wise static choices to be shown to users at first.
Valid only for choice type components- multi choice, radio (single choice) and radio group
This is a boolean value, if true
this choice is be selected by default
This is a boolean value, if true user has to answer this question
This is the progress of the assessment in percentage format. It is a number between 0.00 and 100.00.
0 <= x <= 100
This is a boolean value. If true, this is the last question of the assessment and you can hit submit API.
curl --request PUT \
--url{assessment_id} \
--header 'auth: <api-key>' \
--header 'client-id: <client-id>'
"questions": [
"qid": 0,
"component_code": "I-ATSG",
"question_text": "Add all symptoms",
"tip": "Type here to search for symptoms.",
"component_data": {
"url": {
"base_url": "",
"query_params": {
"gender": "m",
"age": "23",
"src": "sn"
"search_query_param": "q"
"autosuggest_static_choices": {
"sections": [
"section_title": "Most Searched",
"choices": [
"id": "47258974-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Fever"
"id": "473f9e54-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Constipation"
"id": "471e8e62-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Cough"
"id": "476efd70-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Acidity"
"id": "4736971e-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Diarrhoea"
"id": "4737ee0c-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Vomiting"
"id": "4720607a-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Headache",
"is_selected": true
"id": "47172c6c-a65c-11eb-8d02-1e003a340630",
"common_name": "Stomach ache"
"is_mandatory": true
"progress": "0.00",
"is_last_question": false